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PLS Professional Language Services BV

Translators for banks, insurers and the legal profession

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Bijles Engels voor leerlingen

jeswin-thomas-wRdYnqXtyYk-unsplash PLS B.V. | Bijles Engels voor leerlingen


If you, as a school pupil, need to work at your English, I offer tailormade extra English lessons. I can offer one-to-one English lessons or, if you prefer to arrange group lessons with friends, I will make you a suitable offer.

Apart from being a professional translator with a sound knowledge of Dutch (and, of course, English), I am a native speaker and have about 20 years' experience in teaching English to Dutch students at a variety of educational institutions and levels, including secondary schools.

I am a qualified, first-degree English teacher.

If you would like to discuss the options for extra English lessons with me, call me at 020-6195795 or send me an email at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..


Robert Ensor